Many who are looking to streamline operations and drive efficiency are turning to intelligent automation. By combining tools like intelligent document processing (IDP), AI, and workflow automation, businesses can simplify processes and unlock new efficiencies.
But what exactly makes intelligent automation so transformative? And how can you use these tools to elevate your organization?
The Basics of Intelligent Automation
Intelligent automation is a combination of different technologies that applies the power of AI to the automation of manual tasks. Depending on its application, it can help you with decision making, operation streamlining, increasing productivity, and much more.
Depending on the context and application, it usually works something like this:
· Data collection. First, the intelligent automation tool needs access to data. This may come in the form of direct customer data from primary or secondary sources, user-inputted data, data derived from documents or other contributions, and even material found on the web. In fact, many intelligent automation platforms have already utilized vast amounts of training data, equipping them with the foundation necessary to become even more powerful.
· Classification, extraction and enrichment. Intelligent automation tools can then classify, extract, and enrich data. Using sophisticated algorithms and advanced machine learning, intelligence tools can “understand” the documents and resources they explore, then add new material if necessary.
· Review and validation. Some platforms then review and validate the data. These types of recursive systems help ensure the consistency and reliability of the automation output.
· Presentation and consumption. Intelligent automation systems can then present their findings or execute the necessary work. It packages the new information in a way that makes it easily consumable. For example, business decision makers can get access to streamlined reports that make it easier for them to make important decisions. Customers can get access to rich conversational experiences, and the answers to their most pressing questions.
How to Use Intelligent Automation
So how do you use intelligent automation to improve your business?
There are many potential applications, but these are some of the most common:
· Internal processes. Internal process automation is the pursuit of automating or simplifying all the processes and workflows that make your business operational. For example, your existing workflow might require you to draft and edit a document by tapping into multiple teams and departments. But with the help of intelligent automation, you might be able to generate a reasonable draft of that document using a prompt from a single individual, and you can streamline the approval process with the help of workflow automation.
· Customer service. You can also automate many aspects of customer service, from accepting new inquiries to following up with solutions you’ve already provided. Automation is especially valuable for customer service because of its incredible speed, its 24/7 availability, and its ability to handle even the highest possible volumes of traffic. That doesn’t mean you can get rid of all your human customer service agents, but it does mean you should rethink how you deliver customer service at the highest level.
· Business planning and decision making. Business owners especially love intelligent automation for business planning and decision making. Intelligent automation is the fastest and most efficient way to gather and make use of relevant data. With the right solutions in place, your business decisions become much more relevant and grounded in objective fact.
Getting the Most Value From Intelligent Automation
How do you get the most value from intelligent automation?
· Choose the right intelligent automation platform. There are many different intelligent automation platforms out there, and not all of them are going to be a good fit for your business. You need a tool with the right features, high levels of usability, and adequate support, at a minimum. Always do your homework before making a final decision.
· Have strategic goals in mind. You should also have strategic goals in mind. Yes, you want to automate certain aspects of your business. But which ones? Why? What does success look like?
· Prioritize customer experience. For many businesses, customer experience is the highest priority. It doesn’t matter how good your other business decisions are if customers have bad experiences with your brand. Highlight the biggest issues in your current customer experience approach and work to resolve them.
· Improve data quality. Data quality is essential if you want your intelligent automation systems to work as you intend. Make sure you have a clear pipeline for uncompromised, reliable data that your automation systems can interpret.
· Periodically audit and review. Finally, be ready to periodically audit and review the impact of your intelligent automation tools so you can improve your approach in the future.
Intelligent automation employs a variety of technologies and techniques to work faster and more reliably than its human counterparts across a wide breadth of disciplines and applications. When used correctly, it can empower your organization and more than pay for itself.
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