Saving energy in your office is a win-win. As well as helping you to cut costs and therefore boost your profits, it’s also good news for the environment because it reduces your business’ carbon footprint. Keep reading for five easy ways to bring energy usage down in your workplace.
1. Switch To More Efficient Lighting
One of the simplest steps you can take to bring your electricity bills down is to switch from traditional incandescent light bulbs to energy saving options such as LEDs. Figures from the Energy Saving Trust suggest that making the transition from non-energy savings bulbs to LEDs can cut lighting costs by as much as 80 per cent.
For further savings, you might want to fit motion sensor lighting systems that ensure bulbs are only on when they need to be.
2. Control Sunlight Levels
Air conditioning can use a lot of electricity. In fact, a recent infographic from business utilities specialist Utility Bidder highlighted that these systems use an average of approximately 4,000 watts, which is around four times the power consumed by a typical server and 100 times more than a desktop computer. There is a simple way to cut your air conditioning costs though, and that’s to limit the sunlight that streams into your office. Using solar window film, blinds and awnings on sunny, hot days can reduce the strain on your air con system.
3. Block Draughts
Similarly, to keep your heating costs down during the chillier months, invest in some basic draught proofing measures, such as using caulking around window frames or placing draught excluding strips around your doors.
4. Turn Appliances Off When You’re Not Using Them
From your printers to your PCs, you and your colleagues might not be in the habit of switching appliances off when you’re not using them. However, this could be a mistake. Even when they’re on standby mode, these pieces of tech use electricity. This means it pays to get into a routine of switching your devices off when you don’t need them – overnight, for example. For added convenience, you could plug multiple appliances into power strips, allowing you to turn various pieces of tech off simultaneously rather than having to do it individually.
5. Replace Outdated Tech With Energy Efficient Models
When it comes to replacing anything from your photocopier to your kettle, make sure you go for models with an impressive energy efficiency rating. You might be surprised by how much energy and money you stand to save by upgrading your technology in this way.
Although measures like these may not seem to have a big impact at first, their energy-saving contributions can really add up over time – and as well as benefiting your bottom line, they can make your business more environmentally friendly.
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