More and more people are taking the decision to limit or completely give up the amount of time which they spend on social media. I myself have been inspired to do this too in recent months after my good friend Tatiana Kukanova decided that enough was enough, and she deleted all of her accounts there and then. If this is something that you have been thinking about doing but you aren’t sure why or how, I want to tell you about what Tatiana did in the hope that it can provide you with a touch of inspiration.
Not Present
Manny think that being on social media and interactive with so many people around the world makes you more sociable but the harsh truth is that it does the opposite. Tatiana was hooked on her phone at all times and there were so many occasions where we would be in a group of friends and Tat simply wasn’t with us because she was glued to her social media. During one meeting she uploaded a photo of us all with a powerful friendship quote, and we called her out on it given that she hadn’t actually spent much time with us, despite what she was telling her followers. If you find that you aren’t present when you have real human connection, it may be time for a break.
Mental Health
Tatiana has never had a problem with her mental health but learning more and more about the affects which social media can have was something which made her take notice. The problem in many cases with social media is that we often see a fake representation of someone’s life. What this can do to our mind is make us want to be like them, yet what we are chasing isn’t real either. Anyone with any mental issue must be very careful on social media, and even those people without.
When you get to that point whereby you are simply refreshing the screen over and over again, reading the same content and viewing the same images, it is time to seek a break. Tatiana told me that she would regularly just wile away hours doing this, never really getting any value from it and this is part of the reason why she eventually called it quits. If you are looking on social media and infixing interesting information to read then that is fine, if you are robotically churning through the updates then this may be a sign that you need to take action.
Tatiana went cold turkey with her social media accounts and on a single day in one fell swoop she deleted all of her accounts. She knows that she could reactivate them tomorrow if she wanted, but that isn’t something which she wants to do. Since quitting social media Tatiana tells me that she is more productive, happier and far more comfortable with who she is, and who her friends are.
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