Each career requires a certain set of skills and none more so than in a specialized industry such as that of a private investigator. In order to understand more we spoke to top private investigator Jennifer Mellon who, along with her partner Danny Boice, has been working for private investigation company Trustify for many years now. During our chat we found out a lot of information about the world of a private investigator and more specifically, what the required skills are to be successful within this industry, let’s review.
One of the most common roles that a private investigator will carry out is surveillance and this is why you must have skills in this regard to become a private investigator. Good surveillance skills are about being in the perfect position to see what you are looking for, whilst being smart enough to stay out of sight. This is why so many ex law enforcement officers take on roles such as private investigation because they have been trained in skills such as these.
Another key responsibility within this industry is being able to obtain information and the key skill which is required in this regard is knowing where to get such information, and how to obtain it. Many private investigators have a lengthy list of contacts in key places who they can call upon when they require information and of course the skills required here is the ability to both create and maintain healthy relationships. Beyond that a private investigator may also carry out interviews with stakeholders in order to obtain further information so a PI must also have skills around interviewing.
One of the most important skills which a private investigator needs is the ability too be patient and without this you will struggle in this career. Very little happens quickly in the world of a private investigator and you may spend days or weeks seeking out a small piece of information or even when carrying out surveillance, waiting for what you are looking for. Patience is very important in this career because without it you will be hasty and that is usually when you make decisions which don’t help either you or the client.
There is a common misconception that private investigators are somehow above the law but this simply isn’t the case and the truth is in fact to the contrary. Private investigators, because of the circles that they move in and the tasks which they are charged with carrying out, must in fact perform such jobs with the utmost integrity. Private investigators are held to a higher standard than the rest of us and in their efforts to carry out the job to the best of their ability, they must do so with a high level of integrity.
Do you think that you have what it takes to forge a career in the world of private investigation? Let us know in the comments below.
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