There is a lot more to owning a car beside the car payments, paying the car insurance and putting gas into it. Unfortunately, there are also many car maintenance costs to manage. In order to make sure your car runs properly and to get the most life out of it as possible, maintaining your car regularly minimizes major costs later. Plan to pay these five unavoidable costs.
1. Oil Changes
Oil does wear out and oil filters do get clogged with junk. Your owner’s manual will outline how frequently you need to change the oil, and if you’d like, you can top it off on your own halfway through the interval to ensure there’s enough oil to get all the way to the recommended time to change it. Look for coupons to limit the cost of your oil changes.
Checking the oil regularly is another very important thing to do. Make sure that the oil level on the dipstick is as close to the full line as it can be without going over it. The oil should also be translucent brown in color. If the oil is whitish then take your car to the garage straight away as this may indicate a problem with the head gasket. If the oil is a solid black color then it is advisable to have it changed.
Oil filters and air filters are also something to check regularly, but you may find that these are changed during service as a matter of routine.
2. New Tires
Depending on the car and the tires your car will go through a set of tires every 40,000 miles or so. To prolong the life of your tires and to decrease overall vehicle repair costs, keep them properly inflated and rotate them every 5,000 miles or so to ensure they wear evenly. Keep an eye out for tires with low tread so you can start saving up to replace them.
Lastly, stay aware of your tire treads levels and whether they need pumping up or not. Correctly inflated tires can save money on petrol and help your car perform safely and efficiently. Keep on top of these points and your visit to car dealers for a replacement car will not be as close as you may think.
3. Brake Pads
You will need to replace your brake pads every 30,000 miles or so, depending on how you drive. If you do more highway miles than city miles, your brakes will likely last much longer than that, especially if you make an effort to keep from braking hard and coast to a stop as much as possible.
4. Battery
Most car batteries are rated to last anywhere from 2 to 5 years under normal conditions. Selecting batteries with longer life spans will be more expensive upfront but save you in the long run. In addition, maintain the connections going into the battery to help it last as long as it’s supposed to and limit your vehicle repair costs.
5. Scheduled Maintenance
The last major category of costs is for general scheduled maintenance. The owner’s manual for your car is the best place to find the information you need to estimate these costs. The manual will let you know when you need to replace spark plugs, belts, and other major components. Plan ahead so you have money to pay for these when it’s time.
If you’re aware of what car maintenance costs are coming up, it’s much easier to plan for them in your budget and have the money to pay for repairs when they’re needed.
Proper car maintenance is something that few car owners do correctly and regularly, even though it is a sure-fire way of keeping you out of car dealerships looking for a new car sooner than you’d like. Many car owners are unaware of how to look after their vehicles properly, but this is changing due to an addition to the driving test. Currently, learner drivers need to be able to open the bonnet of the car, point out specific areas of the engine and explain the maintenance needed to keep these areas in top condition.
Car dealers all over the country have been noticing the increase in older cars being sold, as some people are now more aware as to how to look after their vehicles in the long term. This optimizes performance, saves money and lengthens vehicle life. Some tips as to how to look after your vehicle properly can be found on many websites, but there are truly only a handful of simple things that you need to do regularly.
Any car dealer will tell you that keeping up to date with regular MOT and service checks is vital, and they are right. It may seem like an annoying expense, but these minimal maintenance checks will help you to identify any future problems and save money in the future. The MOT is also a legal requirement and it costs a lot less than having to shell out for a new car.
Looking to save some money so you can pay for the groceries?
By simply implementing a few car maintenance tips, you might be surprised how easy it is to save enough for one week’s groceries. There is always something you can do yourself that will cut back on your maintenance costs and your day-to-day motor vehicle running expenses, although nothing can replace regular car service as a way to keep your car in good shape.
It will not only save you money when it comes to your car servicing expenses but also save you money every week so that the grocery bill won’t seem nearly as expensive when you follow these simple tips. Rest you can leave the rest to the professionals who are proficient enough to deal with the services that are rendered by the car repair companies among which you need to visit who renders the effective door to door servicing help for your vehicle’s maintenance.
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