Starting your own business is likely among the most challenging things you’ll ever do in your life, and it’s no secret that two of the hardest parts are obtaining your initial customer base and securing repeat business. An email list is a great way for any small business to begin networking with potential leads and customers. Even if only a few people decide to buy from you at a time, it still gets your name and products or services out there. The majority of consumers actually prefer email communication over other methods, so you can be sure of its effectiveness. If you aren’t already taking advantage of email marketing, it isn’t hard to start.
Email marketing is versatile
A huge advantage of email marketing is that it’s so easily customizable and can be added to any marketing campaign. Messages can cover all ranges of complexity and be personalized in a way that best fits your brand. Many retailers use email databases to send customers personalized offers or to send shopping reminders. Adding personalized details, like the customer’s name, can show that you have them in mind and appreciate their business.
Emails can easily reach mobile customers
Most people have their smartphones on them at all times, and mobile platforms are most popular for email. There’s an incredible amount of potential customers you can reach with an email campaign. Emails are generally considered far less annoying than other messaging options by customers: They’re free for them to receive and they tend to offer significant information about the brand.
Email coupons build sales
If your business offers coupons and other incentives, customers will sign up for your emails themselves. The vast majority of people use coupons and consider them to be an important part of their shopping experience. 64 percent of internet users report that they have printed coupons online, and many stores accept coupons displayed on smart devices. Customers are obviously incentivized to sign up for coupons to save money, and they’ll also feel smarter for finding a better deal. E-coupons are already a huge business, and the market grows more each year. Taking advantage of them through your marketing campaign can easily lead to repeat customers.
Email marketing is cheap
Naturally, the best part of email marketing is the fact that it isn’t expensive. Email isn’t as fresh or new as a social media campaign, but it does reach an incredible number of consumers for a remarkably cheap investment. For business owners with a tight budget, an email campaign is likely the best bet. It isn’t just great for small businesses either—85 percent of marketers believe that email marketing performance is improving.
Building a successful campaign
To get the best out of your email marketing campaign, you’ll need to create a strategy for each of your goals. You’ll need as complete of a list as you can get of your website visitors. One of the easiest ways to do this is by turning your visitors into subscribers. Offer incentives for subscribing to your site, or use pop-up ads to remind visitors about subscribing when they leave the page. While some people will say pop-ups are annoying, they can also be effective when used well.
You’ll then need to create different email templates for the types of emails you’ll be sending. It’s not a great look to just send out obviously copy/pasted emails to everyone. Instead, compose different messages for welcome emails, transactional emails, and personalize some messages for when you deliver your content.
With a well-made email campaign, it shouldn’t take long to see increased sales and customer interest in your business.
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