“Customer is always right.” This is the first thing you hear when you start working with customers and clients. This is a good moto because if you want to sell your service or product, you need to have loyal customers. However, it doesn’t matter how good your product is, if your customer service team is not doing a good job, customers will look for that product elsewhere. The question is – how to make sure your customer success team does a good job? Sure, investing in customer experience management software will help a lot, but machines can only do so much. The customer support representatives make the difference here. This means you have to hire the right people. Here are the 3 traits your customer support representatives need to have.
They Must Have Empathy
One of the most important traits your customer support employees need to have is empathy. As you probably know, customers who need help from customer service are usually upset or in distress because some feature doesn’t work or they simply don’t know how to use the product. Your workers need to feel those emotions too because that’s the only way they’ll be able to work diligently in order to fix an issue.
They Have To Be Hard Working
It doesn’t matter what kind of product you’re selling or what kind of service you’re offering to your target audience, there’s a chance your customer service team will get hundreds of calls every single day of the week. People will call them for many different reasons and the workers have to answer every single one of those calls and be polite. This requires a lot of hard work and that’s why your workers need to have impeccable work ethic.
They Have To Be Tough
In the first paragraph, we said that customer service workers need to have empathy. That’s true, but unfortunately, some customers don’t have regard for the things workers are feeling. There’s a chance a frustrated customer will yell at your employee and the worker has to sit there and be professional. This is exactly why you need to find tough men and women for your customer service team. It’s no secret that this job can be tough and complicated every once in a while and having workers who can withstand the frustration and yelling from customers is a treasure.
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