Whether you’re an entrepreneur or in a management position within a corporation, you’re responsible for getting the best out of your employees. It’s not always easy to motivate your staff and get them to buy into your vision for the company. The solution to that problem is quite literally a million-dollar one.
With so many different businesses and career opportunities in New York, you have to come up with more than a paycheck as an incentive for employees. If they don’t like the way you run things, then they may go on sick leave and never return. Conversely, you can’t be so lax that you let everything slide. Continue reading to learn some effective management styles to help you elevate your team to the next level.
The Worker’s Boss
For an entry-level employee, there’s nothing like working for a boss who seems to get what it’s like to be the “low man” within the company. Understandably, everyone likes to feel valued and respected.
Some managers are very lenient in their management style and try to foster a fun and understanding environment. This management style hinges on the belief that happy employees do better work and provide a more enriching customer experience for patrons. Managers who use this style often feel that it’s better to overlook small infractions and reward excellence in the short term in hopes of long-term results.
Such a manager may draw comparisons to what’s known as a “player’s coach” in athletics. A player’s coach is one who prioritizes his athletes’ happiness in hopes that it will inspire them to give their maximum effort. Just like coaches who utilize that style of personnel management is a player’s coach, a manager with that approach is a “worker’s boss.”
As a worker’s boss, you’re not just concerned with what your employees can do for the company, but what the company does for them as well. You can offer them company health insurance and even give them the info necessary to compare income protection insurance quotes.
Helping your employees to make informed decisions about their financial futures shows them that you’re interested in their personal success and happiness. When they compare income protection insurance with iSelect, they can find the best coverage for their budgets.
Collaborative managers attempt to bring out the best in their team members by having lofty goals for employees and giving them say in the company’s direction. While this management style is about making employees feel valued, it’s not as lax as the worker’s boss style of managing.
The worker’s boss style of managing works better when you have an experienced staff that’s disciplined and knows what you expect. If your staff is young, inexperienced, and not skilled enough to achieve the company’s objectives in a semi-autonomous environment, then the consultative style is more suitable.
This style of management prioritizes production over employee happiness, but employees get to help decide what will make them most productive. When employees excel, you should reward them with greater input, responsibility, and pay.
Most new managers—and experienced managers in new positions—tend to fancy themselves innovators or visionaries. Innovators are always looking for creative ways to help their team to perform at optimal levels.
Innovators are willing to implement new personnel management techniques and even technology such as workforce optimization (WFO) software to elevate their teams’ productivity. WFO software helps companies to create a richer customer experience. By measuring agent productivity and even accounting for employee preferences and strengths, this software helps employees to deliver optimal customer support.
Autocratic managers are all about structure and adherence to their standards. They expect their employees to work diligently and meet expectations by strictly following the company’s established best practices.
Many employees thrive within this system because the “my way or the highway” style of management leaves room for little else. However, this style of leadership inspires very little buy-in from employees and could lead to a high turnover rate.
If you’re too dogmatic in your approach, then you’ll disenfranchise your team and possibly bring out their worst rather than their best. It’s crucial that you strike a balance in dealing with your employees so that you can remain stern without becoming draconian.
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