If these are really the best ideas for adventurous business entrepreneurs, then why are they not in a book? Furthermore, if they are such great ideas, shouldn’t they be hidden rather than spread all over the Internet? This article from Ava Wlliams from Resumeble is full of brilliant ideas, and as you age, you will learn that people will never steal great ideas. In fact, if an idea is truly great, you will have to shove it down people’s throats.
1 – Invest in People-Driven Hard-to-Scale-up Businesses
Is this a joke? The cryptocurrency markets are up and down like a kangaroo’s bum, and it has been proven that the markets can be manipulated. How could anybody suggest investments in cryptocurrency?
The answer is in the question. Yes, the cryptocurrency markets have been manipulated…and they are still here! Yes, the market is up and down all the time…and cryptocurrency is still here. Cryptocurrency has survived its biggest tests and still holds value. If you are not already involved in investing, then try getting involved in mining. The hardest part is over, now it is time to invest and wait.
2 – Beef, Booze and Boxes
These are known as the three Bs. Food, drink and coffins. These are the things people will always need. If you want to be adventurous, then get in on the ground floor. Join that small group making biodegradable coffins, or the company making an organic energy drink. Your investment may take a while to pay off, but it is safer than investing in most blue chip companies.
3 – Invest in Cryptocurrency
If you really want to make money, then start investing in people-driven industries where each person is limited to a certain number of customers. This means the business is difficult to scale up.
For example, dentists make a lot of money because they are always in demand. Each dentist can only see a certain number of people per day, so it is impossible for one person to scale up. This is true for many different professions from graphic designers to proofreaders.
4 – Security Services
For some reason, security is still a growth industry. What is odd is that the world is relying less on gold and paper money, and more on digital money. Yet, there is still a demand for street security and home security technology. Plus, it cannot hurt to get into the online security service either if you want to remain in a growth industry.
5 – WordPress Theme or App Development
Wait a minute, aren’t there thousands of WordPress themes, why create even more? You should create more because most WordPress themes suck. Most WordPress themes are just awful because they are coded poorly, or coded to restrict user interference, or are just plain lazy. Good-quality themes that allow users to alter and adjust them are very rare and could be very profitable if the themes are marketed correctly.
Wait…again…there are hundreds of thousands of apps. Why bother creating another? You should bother for two reasons. Firstly, many apps are terrible, from data processing apps to weather apps. You can improve on thousands of the many apps that are already out there. Secondly, companies are always looking for app developers, and a small team at your disposal can make your company very desirable, and subsequently very successful.
6 – Innovative Ways to Lower Food Prices
There used to be a time when bananas were expensive. People innovated so much that they soon became too cheap and suddenly the world had a surplus. If you can lower food prices, even with something as simple as free range farming on a bigger scale, then you are guaranteed to make money.
7 – Online Marketing
Forget paying for marketing. Become one of the companies that people pay. Online marketing is a massive industry, and yet it is being dominated by Google and Bing. There is plenty of room to slice off some of that money for yourself. You need to be the one that people come to when they want to market things online.
8 – Emerging Technology Pioneering
Like investing in cryptocurrency, this seems like a dumb idea. After all, we have seen how people have lost thousands in 3D Printing, VR, and “Green Cleaning” technology. Yet, these technologies are still here, even after people have lost their life savings.
Just like with the Bitcoin craze and the Internet bubble, people threw in all their money at the very beginning and expected a big return. Invest in these technologies and play the very long game. The initial big money buzz has left, and now it is time for slow and organic growth, so get in there now and wait.
About author: Ava Williams is an editor and career specialist at Resumeble.com. She is fond of traveling, guitar, biathlon and snowboarding. Ava finds his inspiration in the success of her clients. Meet her on Twitter.
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