InventureX is a leader in creating and implementing crowdfunding campaigns for over three hundred projects to date. As the Senior Marketing Coordinator for InventureX, Joseph Parker has contributed to hundreds of clients’ success in gaining funds for their endeavors. It’s through this experience that Joseph Parker knows how important creating a strategic campaign is to the long-term success of your project.
In our interview with Joseph Parker, we ask how InventureX changed the crowdfunding industry.
How does InventureX stay on top of the field?
At InventureX, we’re able to stay leaders in the field through unmatched flexibility and perseverance. We’ve worked with a variety of clients that are appealing to all different audiences. It’s important to stay up to date on different methods of advertising, analytics, and even technological advancements, to reach out to as many potential audience members as possible. Technology changes by the day and continuing to learn as it develops allows us to stay at the forefront of our field for our clients.
Who benefits most from crowdfunding?
A lot of different companies can benefit from crowdfunding. That’s one of the many reasons that it’s such an incredible new piece of technology for entrepreneurs. However, from experience, I’d definitely say that it’s changed the game for nonprofit organizations the most, specially with rewards-based crowdfunding. It allows these nonprofits and charities to accept donations of small and large portions in a way that’s easy. Through these platforms, not only can they collect funds, but also say where said funds are going as they’re being collected. This often promotes more donations sooner rather than later.
Why do campaigns fail?
Campaigns tend to fail for one of two reasons. Either the product or campaign isn’t thought through. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to know that you can provide what you promise to those supporting your endeavors. As a crowdfunder, it’s important to create and maintain a strong campaign strategy. However, there’s just as much – if not more – to learn from unsuccessful campaigns as there is from successful campaigns. It’s important to look at these “failed” campaigns to better understand where to use those mistakes to our advantage.
How do you avoid these failures?
We have to believe in the client’s goals before choosing to work with them. It’s important to understand where a client is going and that they’ll be able to stick to the promises they have made to their supporters.
Where is the industry going?
I don’t know where it’s going, but I know that there’s a lot of room for it to go up! Crowdfunding is growing by the day and with that, so is competition. It’s important for us at InventureX to keep learning and growing as a company within our techniques and marketing strategies to stay on top of the field for our clients.
As the senior marketing coordinator for InventureX, Joseph Parker knows what it means to run a leading crowdfunding campaign. Through his expertise working with a company focused on providing crowdfunding solutions to hundreds of clients, he’s worked hard to stay on top of the crowdfunding field. It’s with people like Joseph Parker that InventureX has become leaders in the crowdfunding industry.
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