When you run out of advertising ideas, you can count on other people in your team to help out. They might not be a part of the advertising team, but they might also have brilliant ideas to share – the problem is that they feel shy about speaking their minds. As a team leader, you need to look for ways to convince them to share their ideas whether or not they are useful ideas, as the point is you allow them to share the creative process.
Have regular brainstorming sessions
Meetings can be stressful especially if they don’t turn out to be productive, as you might have clear goals and end up not achieve them. Instead of calling it a meeting, you can ask your employees to join a brainstorming session instead. In doing so, you create a relaxing environment where people can freely share their thoughts and you don’t even need to have your marketing team there.
Give opportunities to speak
Meetings are not the only opportunity to allow people to talk, and you need to provide other avenues for open discussion. You could join some of the employees during lunch since it is a relaxing environment, or you could also ask an employee to see you in your office to discuss something. It doesn’t have to be work-related since your goal is to help them feel relaxed talking to you.
Plan teambuilding activities
You can take your employees out of the office environment at least once a month or once every two months. When they are outside of work, they will feel relaxed and they are also comfortable speaking with other members of the group. You will discover everyone’s strengths and weaknesses during these activities. The level of comfort they experience when working as a group might convince them to start speaking out during meetings.
Let everyone know the significant goals of the business
One of the reasons why some employees don’t feel the need to be more participative is because they don’t understand the significant long-term goals of the company. They only focus on their job and don’t care about the tasks done by other team members. However, if they see the relevance of what they are doing in connection with what others are doing, they will start to speak out more.
Encourage mistakes
The biggest reason why many employees don’t want to get involved in tasks outside their job is that they fear they will commit errors, and they don’t see themselves as competent enough to say something. By encouraging them to commit mistakes, you help take the pressure away. You allow them to be more innovative and take risks.
When you are planning to start offline marketing campaigns through banner printing, you’re going to need different ideas. You want people to freely speak their minds since your marketing team alone won’t have enough input that seems exciting. When everyone works collaboratively, you can achieve a lot and also carry these things with you for future marketing campaigns as well.
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