The importance for any business to check people cannot be underestimated and in doing so there is a great deal that you can find out about a potential new recruit for your company. When you run a background check you can of course find out important info like job history, criminal history and more, but it can also help with the screening process.
- To check people is to know if they fit in: On this premise, a thorough check will let you know how an applicant fits into your scheme or the overall idea of the environment you want for your company. We are not suggesting that you do away with your intuition and emotional resources for evaluating people, after all, we are still human, and it is the humane skills that create a solid relationship, but we do suggest that you make use of tools to complement your vision and reduce the margin of erroneous interpretation.
- To check people is to draw the broader picture: It is already hard to piece people’s personalities together, with so much going on in each person’s head after all every single person is a world. Screening can help you in delineating aspects that were probably hard to pinpoint and from there you can either analyze them separately or put them together into the whole picture for a general evaluation.
- To check people is to know their motivations: To check people offers the benefit of knowing the applicant’s or existing employee’s drives and motivations. These may stem from a wide range of life aspects, including an intimate relationship with the spouse, childhood psychological traumas that may have triggered certain patterns of ambition. Screening in this way allows you to easily take a look into the mind of a person and learn from his emotions what he/she wants in life.
- To check people is to understand their needs: People not only come from different walks of life, but they also have a history of deep necessity and travails. Learning how these challenges in life have shaped their notions of what they need is vital to your understanding as an entrepreneur of what triggers their vitality and working energies. Learning what people need or the idea they have of how to fulfill these needs will make you the spark of what ignites their engines.
- To check people is to learn their skill set: A deep screening will let you learn if the skills alleged by the applicant have indeed been acquired and perfected or to what level: these include, language level, expertise in the professed sector, education background, other skills. You may also have access to a precise qualification of humane skills and other soft skills as well as hard skills. You can wrap your mind around the results tossed and decide if they agree with your overall expectation of your new applicants.
I hope these tips help you with your screening processes and get you to understand the importance of performing it. It will bring harmony to your company and a great understanding and perfecting of the environment.
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