There are mixed opinions on whether hiring a PR agency is necessary for a business. You’ll see this as soon as you Google, “Should my company invest in a PR agency?” A lot of the responses actually point to no, saying that this is your company and you and only you know best. However, this is not always the case.
Sure, there are times when you can handle public relations on your own, especially if your business is a small startup and you have everything under control. But investing in PR could just be the smartest thing you ever do for the growth of your business. Here’s how you can differentiate when it is time to hire a PR agency – and when it’s not all that necessary.
Your business objectives and goals are clear
If you don’t even have clear goals for your business, how can you expect a PR agency to help you out? But if you do have goals set for the next year, 5 years, or 10 years of your business then a PR firm can help you to reach those goals. Before anything, you need to have an understanding of where your business is going (or at least where you hope it is going).
You need help with networking
Half the battle in getting your name out there is networking. If you don’t have the proper network surrounding you, relating to the public will be way more challenging. Any business that needs access to a larger network would hugely benefit from the services of a PR firm. You probably have a few helpful connections within your own network, but a PR agent can help you reach leaders within your industry.
Good PR agents know how to build connections that will benefit both parties involved. Not only can hiring PR bring you together with potential business partners and media outlets, but it will be advantageous for everyone.
You don’t have an in-house option
If you are running a small business, you probably don’t have someone in-house who can take care of your public relations needs. Most companies have a marketing department, but this is different. A PR agency has more solid connections and more resources to successfully get your name out into the world with nothing but positivity.
You are going through a crisis
The chances of this are slim, especially if your company is relatively new. But if you are in fact going through some sort of crisis and your brand’s reputation has been diminished, it is time to hire a PR firm. Even if you are just struggling with managing reviews and can’t seem to fend off the negative ones from appearing on Google or Yelp, a PR firm can help.
Public relations professionals know how to rebuild your reputation as quickly and effectively as possible. Even if you have a somewhat positive rep with the public, a PR firm can help you to maintain that.
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