If you want to discover which of the internet’s social networks are the most popular, continue reading to learn a bit about some of the world’s top social networks. Also, don’t forget to check out Windows Maximizer for more computer and tech advise!
The best social networks:
1. Instagram
The average individual now spends more time each day checking their Instagram feed for updates, than they do scrolling through their Facebook feed. If you’re not a fan of lengthy posts and are a visual individual, you’ll love keeping up to date with your friends’ lives by scrolling through your friend’s Instagram photos.
One of the advantages of using Instagram over Facebook is that you’ll have the opportunity to follow well-known celebrities accounts as well as your friends and family members accounts.
2. Twitter
If you like keeping up to date with the lives of your favorite celebrities, you may also be interested in signing up for a Twitter account. As most celebrities such as professional athletes, world-class models, and A-list actors, post on Twitter several times each day.
Another benefit of signing up for Twitter is that you’ll be able to respond to your favorite celebrity’s tweets and if you’re lucky you may have your question or comment addressed by your favorite celebrity. As celebrities are well known for replying to their fans on Twitter.
3. Snapchat
If you love taking photos of the countries you visit, the food which you eat and the adventure which you take, it’s well worth downloading Snapchat. As you’ll be able to edit each photo which you take with a wide variety of fun filters, before sending your photos directly to your friends. One of the bonuses of using Snapchat is that you can send your photos to specific friends or to all of your friends.
So if you’re the type of individual who likes to document everything that you do in a day, with a selfie, you’re bound to get addicted to Snapchat.
4. Youtube
If you have dreams of becoming famous and aren’t shy around cameras, you may want to consider creating your own Youtube channel, where you’ll be able to post regular vlogs, reviews or skits.
5. Facebook
Facebook is one of the most well known social media sites in the world and offers more services than your average social media site. As well as being able to post about your life on your profile’s wall, you’ll also be able to join groups who share your interests and hobbies and to visit businesses Facebook accounts.
As an example, it’s well worth following your favorite brands’ feeds on Facebook as you’ll be the first to find out about any sales or competitions which are set to take place.
6. Google+
If you have a Google account and already use Gmail and Youtube, you may find it convenient to make use of Google+ which is a fuss-free alternative to using Facebook. If you sign up for a Google+ account you’ll be able to post photos on your personal profile and will be able to invite your online friends to message you directly through Google+.
Chances are that you already use at least half of the popular social networks listed above on a daily basis.
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