The perfect armchair doesn’t exist. That’s what I used to say to my friends when asked what lounge chair they should purchase. There are too many styles and variables; what could be a dream for one person could be another’s nightmare. Just buy something expensive and leather, that was my go-to recommendation. And why not? Buying a leather lounge is an investment in comfort and style.
Then I met the Ainsley armchair.
Once in a blue moon does such a piece of furniture come along that not only looks and feels amazing but has the potential to change the game. The Ainsley armchair from Domayne is one such game-changer.
Perfect armchair
Hang on a second, how can this ‘Ainslie’ be so perfect? For a start, it’s upholstered in fabric, not leather. Trends and past experiences have wildly skewed my criteria for the perfect armchair and I will admit, I have had quite the aversion to fabric. As a dog owner, fabric just didn’t hold up to the assault that my furry friends laid down on the regular.
This all changed when I sat my behind down on the Ainslie. Sure, leather brings a sense of class and refinement to a room, but somehow, with its subdued curves and ample bolstering, this lounge chair makes even more of a statement.
I’m yours however you want me.
For an armchair to be perfect for everyone, it needs some tricks up its sleeve. I was a leather enthusiast until Ainslie’s shape swayed my opinion. My lounge room is now blessed by a subtle blue armchair, but yours can be upholstered in a variety of fabrics.
Imagine being able to choose from a wide variety of quality Warwick fabrics to dress up your lounge chair. Imagine no more with the Ainslie range of armchairs and lounge chairs.
Sturdy Pine Build
Style over substance will only take you so far. Luckily for the Ainslie range, style and substance are equally on show. With durable Warwick polyester upholstery, your lounge will survive family Christmases or an assault from some four-legged friends with ease.
The Ainslie range features a solid pine construction, ensuring your furniture has a long and productive life. Pine ages wonderfully, shouldn’t rot or smell and will last for decades if treated with care.
But, it’s not leather.
Some of my readers will know my love of leather. Ok, that came out weird, I should clarify: my love of leather lounges. Yes, my adoration for leather lounges is founded in a lifetime of good experiences, and it won’t be easily broken. So then, the question remains, would I pick the Ainslie over a leather armchair?
Well, it depends. If I wanted a comfortable, attractive, and classy lounge and I didn’t want leather, I would choose the Ainslie in a heartbeat. Leather is so overdone these days its hard to make a statement with an armchair unless it offers something unique. If I wanted my chair to stand out, I would choose the Ainslie every time.
BUT. And this is a big but, If I wanted a piece to stand the test of time and not be destroyed by my large dogs, AND I didn’t mind paying a premium, leather would still be my choice of upholstery. I guess this question of whether I would choose leather over the Ainslie is irrelevant because I already purchased the Ainslie, and it sits in the same room as my big leather couch. Luckily my dogs understand that it’s not a chair they are allowed to sit on!
When you are shopping for a new lounge chair, it would be easy to go straight to the leather-wrapped chairs and completely ignore any other options. The Ainslie represents a new generation of fabric armchair, with classic good lucks and durable materials, I say bring on some more variety, we all know that is the spice of life.
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