1 in every 3 Australians is likely to be diagnosed by Skin Cancer. The most common type of cancer is particularly an epidemic for Australia, the numbers providing evidence for that! Thus, to help our country get stronger, we have compiled a comprehensive quick read on everything you need to know about skin cancer.
Types of Skin Cancer And Symptoms
To start with, skin cancer happens upon mutation of skin cells. Depending upon the skin cells that have been mutated or affected, skin cancer gets its various types. These types can largely be categorised as Non-Melanoma and Melanoma. Non-Melanoma is more common and less dangerous if identified and handled well in time.
Non-Melanoma sprouts out as a shiny bump or a pimple that may bleed in case of Squamous cell carcinoma, or irregular pink-red patches on the skin in case of Basal Cell Carcinoma. Non-melanoma skin cancer types can even be cured if one takes proper care and watches out for any signs.
However, Melanoma is the one that’s causing most deaths out of skin cancer. This highly fatal disease goes beyond reparations once it spreads to other diseases. Since Melanoma doesn’t target the surface layer cells of the skin, it is hard to notice its initial signs.
Moreover, Melanoma makes the Melanocyte cells its home. These cells are below the surface of our skin, and thus, the detection of premature signs of Melanoma is complex. However, if you notice a mole that is growing abnormally in size, colour or shape, it is always recommended you pay your dermatologist a visit.
Any unusual signs, patches, acne, or moles need to be observed and diagnosed under a professional’s supervision. Let’s not forget that skin cancer if detected early would not lead to worse problems. Thus, we recommend you get yourself checked today at, visit website to know more about the tests and diagnosis of skin cancer!
Causes of Skin Cancer
The causes of skin cancer are hard to pinpoint. However, doctors now believe that harmful UV radiations are the biggest reason for skin cancer. Furthermore, if one has a genetic history of skin cancer in their immediate family, or is prone to unhealthy lifestyle choices, or has frequent exposure to radioactive substances, they may be at a higher risk than others. Despite the advancements in technology, it is difficult to ascertain what did it for each individual patient. Perhaps why doctors lay huge emphasis on regular inspection of the skin! For the areas, you may not be able to access, you could make use of a mirror too.
Stages of Skin Cancer
Non-Melanoma skin cancer can be further diagnosed as per its five stages.
Stage 0: This is where a few abnormal or potentially mutable cells have been diagnosed, and cancer hasn’t yet developed. At this stage, it is easy to do away with the cancer-potent cells via small surgery, or medication.
Stage 1: The cells have developed into cancer cells, however, they are very young and week. This is the stage where basal cell carcinomas are operated, via an excision surgery. The doctor may also make use of cryosurgery, wherein the affected cells are frozen off.
Stage 2: At this stage, cancer has evolved into a significant problem, however, it can be handled. The doctor would also have to remove a fragment of nearby healthy cells, just to be sure that there won’t be a relapse. Till this stage, Squamous cell carcinoma isn’t a big threat, and it hasn’t spread to other organs too.
Stage 3: This is where things start getting worrisome! The cancer is now capable of spreading and infecting other organs as well, giving rise to more problems. However, the reproduction of cancerous cells may not be hyper at this stage.
Stage 4: The last stage of cancer is obviously the most dreaded one too, wherein the cancer is most likely invading other organs, and has become difficult to remove.
We hope this article has given you much-need information and awareness on the topic of skin cancer. Take care!
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