ADVERTORIAL. Even feeling a little bit under the weather can be debilitating. Even a slight cold can last for weeks on end and can progress and get much worse. If you’re feeling under the weather, there are steps you can take to help supercharge your immune system and fight off your sickness.
Your immune system is like an army that’s ready to fight for your health, and you have the ability to give it the weapons it needs to keep you well. If you’re feeling under the weather, here are some simple tricks you can use to supercharge your immune system.
Drinks plenty of fluids
When you’re under the weather, drinking plenty of fluids can help you recover faster, and feel better during your illness. Fluids help you digest your food, take in nutrients, and even eliminate waste from your body.
Drinking water, juice, or other fluids that contain electrolytes can help you replace vital fluids that you lost during your illness.
Get a lot of rest
When you’re under the weather, it might be tempting to try to stay on your feet. But getting plenty of rest can be the thing that helps you have a speedy recovery, and a short-lived illness.
Rest is extra important when you’re under the weather, so it’s important to give yourself a proper break.
Eat healthy foods
Healthy foods are easier on your digestive system, but they’re also full of nutrients, which can help supercharge your immune system. Fruits and vegetables, for example, are full of vitamins which can help your immune system, like Vitamins C, D, and A.
Oranges, broccoli, and bell peppers are all rich in Vitamin C, which can help support your immune system when you’re sick.
Stack up on these 9 healthy foods o boost your immune system during the coronavirus:
Take supplements to give your body a boost
Supplements are a great way to get those same vital vitamins and minerals quickly, and make sure you get a dose that can truly support your immune system. Immunity supplement by Force Factor includes vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A, and zinc, which are all crucial for supporting immune response.
But it also contains other supporting compounds, such as echinacea and elderberry. Supplements like Immunity by Force Factor are designed to help strengthen your immune system, enhance your overall health, and support function of key immune cells.
You can buy Immunity by Force Factor on GNC:
Get in some gentle movements
When you’re under the weather, it may be difficult to move at all. But if you’re feeling up to it, taking some gentle stretching or walking breaks might be a big help. Getting in some low-impact and calm movement can help reduce aches and pains.
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