When I found this studio that had classes of hot yoga near me I really couldn’t resist but try it out. I had been a yoga fan for a number of years and I’d always enjoyed the benefits, and I had an idea as to what hot yoga was all about, although I had never tried it. This is something however that I would recommend to anyone out there who is curious about yoga and trying on a new take of this ancient tradition.
Let’s take a look then at what hot yoga is all about and how it helps.
Difference From Bikram
If you have heard about Bikram yoga before then it is important to mention that hot yoga is not quite the same. Bikram does take place under hot conditions, but it also increases humidity up to 40% and the yoga itself is 26 positions that always remain the same each time you exercise. Hot yoga on the other is under hot conditions with lower humidity and the positions can change from studio to studio.
Purpose of The Heat
The reason why the heat is cranked up in a hot yoga studio is ultimately so that you burn more calories through increased levels of difficulty and sweat. Not only this but the muscles are able to relax so much quicker which is what then helps to increase levels of flexibility. This increase in flexibility not only allows you to do more, but it also greatly reduces the risk of causing any injuries, because the muscles are so warmed up.
Increased Bone Density
As we age our bones can become thinner and weaker and that causes a wide range of risks to us. Hot yoga practices a number of techniques which have been found to increase the bone density in the neck, the hips and the lower back.
Stress Reduction
We know that yoga can reduce stress, but hot yoga can take that to the next level. A study back in 2018 found that a 16 week course in hot yoga resulted in a massive reduction in each person’s stress levels and anxiety. It is for this reason that hot yoga is often recommended for people who suffer with stress and anxiety.
Heart Health
Another key finding in the practice of ht yoga is that it can greatly support heart health. In 2014 a study was carried out that found one session of hot yoga is sufficient to get your heart rate up to the same level as a brisk walk, all whilst you are stretching out your body and building muscle mass too. his yoga practice is also great for boosting respiration and speeding up the metabolism.
There are so many more benefits to hot yoga such as its ability to help you nourish your skin through detoxing it with sweat, and also a reduction in blood glucose levels that it causes.
This is a great practice which you will find incredibly beneficial.
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