Our employment law firm is dedicated to representing employees who have lost their jobs due to illegal employment practices. We offer an initial telephone consultation with no advance fees to potential clients in a completely confidential manner. We also accept cases with contingent fees. If you feel that you have been subjected to unfair dismissal, it is important that you contact an attorney as soon as possible, as the time frame for filing a claim is short. Submit your case to a wrongful termination lawyer This is the fastest way for your case to be reviewed by an attorney in our office. we also have a good team of expert lawyers dealing with many issues.
How to get money for bicycle accidents? If any kind of injury occurs as a result of the accident then you should definitely contact a specialized bicycle accident case attorney, they are the ones who will instigate the claim process for you so they will make the claim more fluent and more likely to be successful. In any claim, the case will likely need to be supplemented by medical evidence in the form of reports from medical experts.
If you or a family member has suffered some type of injury as a result of a bicycle accident in which they were not at fault, then they may have the power to file a claim for compensation for all damages suffered. Any bicycle accident must be taken seriously, and as such, if you or someone you know is involved in a bicycle accident, then you should ensure that you take the appropriate steps so that you can receive the best treatment for your injuries and obtain compensation. what they deserve.
There are many personal injury attorneys who can help you in these cases. However, employing the experience of an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in bicycle accident cases will definitely improve your chances of obtaining the best compensation available. If you or any of your friends or relatives are in an accident in which you were injured, contacting us at Abogado Contigo will give you the best opportunity to obtain the compensation you deserve.
How to get money for whiplash? A cervical sprain or commonly called whiplash is an injury caused by hyperextension or sudden hyper flexion of the neck, beyond its normal range of motion, and it usually affects muscles, nerves, tendons of the neck and even discs. , causing herniated discs in the most severe cases.
In an accident, the movement carried out by our spine is similar to the movement of a whip, since when receiving the impact from behind our body moves forward and at the same time our head is left behind and immediately afterwards our body will go backwards and our head would Therefore, although the lesion itself is commonly called whiplash, the truth is that this term describes the causal mechanism by which the injury itself occurs. This injury is the most common in traffic accidents.
The most representative symptoms of whiplash are the following: neck pain (cervicalgia) radiating to the shoulders and arms, back pain, dizziness, vomiting, paravertebral muscle contracture, headaches or headaches, stiff neck and shoulders, cramps, ringing in the ears, dizziness, decreased strength, tingling in the arms, hands or fingers (paresthesias), etc. In some cases psychological symptoms such as irritability, depression or post-traumatic stress may also occur.
It is possible that just after suffering the accident and when hot some of these symptoms are not appreciated, however when it cools down, the discomfort will begin. Both at a medical level and in order to obtain fair compensation, it is important that you go to an emergency health center as soon as possible after suffering the accident.
The diagnosis of whiplash is usually made by examination of the injured person by the doctor, an x-ray, or if necessary by means of an MRI or other complementary tests. However, cervical sprain is often difficult to diagnose due to the lack of objectivity of the exploratory data (muscle tone, limited mobility, etc.) or only due to the patient’s own manifestations of pain that are not subject to medical verification.
1- Compensation for the days of healing of the cervical sprain
2- Compensation for squeal of the cervical sprain:
3- Compensation for property damage to the cervical sprain:
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