The new year is usually a time when we take inventory of our lives and set new goals. Career, relationships, finances, and health are important aspects that affect our overall well-being. For the new year, think about your health as a top priority. There are many factors that play a role in your health, but one of the things you can control is the commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Here are some helpful tips that will keep you stay on top of health and wellbeing this new year.
Stay Active
Regular exercise can help you live longer and reduce the risk of various diseases. Try to strive for at least 2.5 hours of moderate aerobic activity per week. However, if it is too difficult, start with 15 minutes here and 15 minutes there. Every little bit counts. To be successful, your fitness programme should become part of your everyday life.
Eat Healthily
Eat a combination of various dishes, especially fruits and vegetables. Adults should eat at least 400g of fruit and vegetables a day. You can improve your fruit and vegetable intake by always adding vegetables to your meal. A good suggestion is to always go for a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and consume fruits as appetisers. A healthy diet reduces the risk of malnutrition and diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.
Limit Screen time
In recent years, research has identified all kinds of damage to our physical and mental health that is caused by looking at a screen all day. As a result, we all must begin to limit screen time for ourselves.
If your work demands that you spend a lot of time at the computer, make a schedule of your workday, so that you don’t stay for too long at the computer at a stretch. You can split your work into batches and spend less time working at the computer screen.
Go for a Regular Check-up
Regular checks can help you find health problems before they start.
When you go for regular check-ups, healthcare professionals can help identify and diagnose health problems early, and the chances of treatment and cure are greater.
Of course, it is understandable if your work schedule makes it difficult for you to keep your doctor’s appointments, which is why you should consider a private GP service that fits into your work and personal lifestyle.
Contact your nearest healthcare facility for information on available health services, controls and treatments.
Reduce Stress
When you feel stressed, it is important to relax and do something that you like. You can top yourself up by making time to watch a movie, read a book or volunteer. Also, take time to connect with others such as your friends, family, religious community or hobby club.
Try to always be in the company of friends and loved ones after a stressful event. However, if you find yourself still struggling with stress or its triggers, speak to a doctor. He or she can recommend an advisor who can help you find other ways to reduce or manage unhealthy stress in your life.
Get Enough Sleep
Poor sleep is one of the main causes of a lot of health challenges. This is why it is important that you adapt to a lifestyle of adequate sleep and rest this year. If you are finding it difficult to sleep, there are many lifestyle and diet changes that can help promote good sleep, and some natural nutrients have also been known to help.
Talk to Someone you can Trust
Depression is a widespread disease worldwide, affecting over 260 million people. Depression can manifest itself in different ways, but it can make you feel hopeless or worthless, you may think of negative and disturbing thoughts or have an overwhelming feeling of emotional pain.
As you go through this, remember that you are not alone. Talk to someone you trust, such as a family member, friend, colleague or psychologist about how you feel.
Final Thoughts
There are just so many things you can do to improve your physical and mental health this new year. Hopefully, the few ideas covered in this article will give you a good place to start.
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