The American College of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine is by far and away the best of its type here in the US and has gained worldwide recognition for the great work that it does for its students. I have just finished a Masters degree here and I must say that I have had an amazing year with the team here, which I most certainly won’t forget any time soon. There are 4 post grad courses which the college offers and if you are interested in studying here then here is what you can expect to find from the course.
Range of Topics
Within the 2 Masters degrees and the 2 Doctorates that the college offers there is a huge range of topics which you are going to cover that aims to give you a full depth of knowledge in this field. For example you aren’t just going to learn about acupuncture and its uses, you’ll learn about its history and how it operates in the modern world. You will also learn a great deal of theory as well as administration and management. These courses aren’t just about teaching you Oriental medicine, it is about preparing you for a career in healthcare.
Something else that I really loved about studying here was that they keep the groups of students small which means that the classes are really concentrated. In larger groups it can be difficult to get time with the professor or ask questions, but that is not the case at all here. The concentrated groups allow easier learning and a closer knit class.
Hands-on Experience
Books can only take you so far and that is why it is so important that you have the ability to practice what you are learning. At the college in Houston they have an on-site clinic which the public use, and which gives you the perfect opportunity to learn and practice the techniques which you are being shown.
Personal Health
Once you start learning about these methods and ideas you will begin to change how you live, and your health is likely to greatly improve. All of my fellow students and I were the same, we began to understand more about the energy and the connectivity of our bodies, and how we could use different approaches for a healthier lifestyle.
This is a college which prides itself on having the best professors and many of them are either from Asia or have traveled there to enhance and improve their knowledge of these ancient techniques. This ensures that you are getting the very best education from these knowledgeable men and women and the depth of knowledge which they are able to impart on you is quite incredible.
Simply put this is a course which will prepare you for a career in traditional and modern medicine and regardless of which post grad option you take on, you can guarantee a fascinating experience at the college.
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