Although men purchase and consume more cannabis than women in general, there are certain cannabis products that are much more popular with the female population. This is especially true when it comes to non-combustible products, such as topicals, tinctures and edibles. Women are much more interested in the health and wellness aspects of cannabis, and because of this, a lot of brands that make these products are now targeting women in their marketing. You can see how the biggest cannabis brands are creating products specifically to appeal to women by clicking the link.
In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most common medical conditions that women are choosing to self-medicate with cannabis products.
Period Pain
According to a survey completed by Women’s Health, 39% of women who choose to use cannabis products do so to help with menstruation and period pain. Many women find traditional drugs, and over the counter medication, to be inadequate for their symptoms, and many also cause them unwanted side effects. It is now possible to buy everything from capsules and bath soaks, to tampons that have been soaked in CBD. Even Whoopi Goldberg has commented on how useful cannabis products are for period pain, and has released her own line of products designed to help women cope. It is interesting to see just how many women are looking to cannabis products to help them with menstrual cramps, and how many women are noticing a marked improvement in their symptoms as well.
The Menopause
Young women aren’t the only sector of society choosing to use cannabis products. In fact, many women who are currently going through the menopause are also turning to the drug to help with the symptoms of the menopause. Cannabis has been proven to be effective when used in combination with estrogen therapy, with 32% of women choosing to use it to help relieve their symptoms, and 35% choosing to use it to help them sleep better. Severe insomnia is a common side effect of the menopause; however, indica dominant strains of cannabis are incredibly effective at aiding with this. While smoking an indica strain is always an option, indica capsules and edibles are also available.
Depression and Anxiety
Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from depression and anxiety according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. They are also much more likely to encounter the symptoms of these conditions at a young age. Studies completed at the University of British Columbia have found, however, that cannabis is a very effective treatment. Not only can it help women to relax and feel more at ease, but it can also help to combat things like panic attacks. Cannabis products have also been effectively used in the treatment of conditions like PTSD and anorexia. Many doctors are now choosing to prescribe cannabis products to women suffering from the mental health conditions described above.
While men may be the primary users of recreational cannabis, women are the primary market for health-based cannabis products, as illustrated above.
To read more on topics like this, check out the health category.
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