Who knew that singer Justin Bieber pulling a prank of eating a burrito starting in the middle would cause such an online uproar? This is exactly what happened in the fall of 2018 when a photo of Bieber seemingly eating a burrito in an oblivious fashion made its way to Instagram. People seemed to have a blast mocking him in the comments until he revealed that the whole thing was a joke.
It just goes to show that Americans are serious about eating food correctly. People who don’t want to end up mocked for all the world to see like Justin Bieber should definitely study the list below.
1) Broccoli: Sure, the florets of the broccoli look more fun to eat than its stalk. That’s the part that looks green and leafy. However, the stalk of a piece of broccoli is the part that contains the most nutrition. Anyone tempted to throw it in the trash should keep in mind that broccoli and cauliflower stalks contain much more calcium, fiber, and Vitamin C than the more inviting florets.
2) Dumplings: Americans who enjoy Chinese food often have no idea how to eat a soup dumpling at first. Rather than pick it up with a regular-sized spoon or spear it with a chopstick, most chefs recommend allowing adequate time for the soup dumpling to cool and then eating it in one bite. The danger of using a chopstick is that it can pierce the dumpling and cause hot soup to come spilling out. Taking one small bite to pierce a corner, sucking out the hot liquid, and then chewing the rest of the dumpling is the way to go.
3) Grilled Meat: No one likes to eat undercooked meat. It doesn’t taste good and conjures up images of immediate food poisoning. Even so, charbroiling meat to the point of overcooking it changes the value of its protein. Instead of adding an essential component to the diet, consuming charbroiled meat could be just as dangerous as eating undercooked meat. The compromise is to cook meats at a lower temperature for a longer time to reduce the build-up of carcinogens.
4) Vegetables in General: Everyone is different, and some people prefer the taste of boiled vegetables to eating them cold, raw, or cooking them in the oven first. Unfortunately for fans of boiled vegetables, taking this step also removes important nutrients. Boiling vegetables can also make them too mushy to enjoy. The upside to baking vegetables in the oven first is that they come out crunchier and more flavorful.
5) Bananas: This portable fruit is easy to pack in a lunch bag or grab on the way to soccer practice. The only problem with eating a banana plain is that it introduces too much sugar into the body. To offset this, banana lovers should consider eating some type of fat at the same time to offset the high sugar content.
Eating these five foods the right way may not be a matter of life or death, but it can certainly prevent social media embarrassment.
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