Getting recruitment wrong could be extremely costly to you company and could even damage your company credibility therefore when you embark on a recruitment campaign, do it right. Recruitment is not just a matter of pacing an advert and then employing the first person that comes along, there are a lot more complications associated with this which include immigration and security checks and additional vetting depending on the type of role that you are recruiting for. If you are looking particularly for a fast paced recruitment there may be several options that you wish to consider.
Recruitment Company
There are literally hundreds of different recruitment companies out there with a catalogue of people that are just itching to join a company. One of the main advantages of using a recruitment company is the pace in which you can get someone into your organisation either on a temporary or permanent basis. The recruitment company will have already went through vetting and initial checks of people which will reduce the administration from a company point of view. You can then choose (if you want) to interview people from a recruitment company or you can just take the person on directly. You would be surprised about the amount of people registered with these companies waiting for employment. Even in specialist fields like the medical industry, there are specialist recruitment firms such as just waiting to be contacted.
Jobs Fare
This may seem like a lot of hassle and preparation however if you have a large population to recruit then this is definitely a good mechanism to get connected with people. You will find that there are job fares running on a very regular basis across the country and it is just a matter of getting yourself booked into one of these and connecting with the community and visitors.
Connect with Universities
When students are all finished their academic studies, they are normally on the lookout for a permanent occupation that is connected to what they have been studying for so many years of their lives. It may be an idea to connect with the Universities or Colleges to see if anyone have completed their studies and now looking for a job. You could even run a mini jobs fare at a university if allowed to do so. Clearly this would mean you are recruiting someone with academic experience but maybe a lack of work experience therefore it really does depend on what you are looking for.
Financial Incentives
If you are in an industry that is crowded and there is not a lot of people looking to join then you may wish to offer some financial incentives. This could include things such as a joining fee when the person has signed up. If however you are in a remote areas and you cannot recruit locally then one of the incentives you may wish to consider is a relocation package for the candidate to move to wherever you would like them based.
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