Think menopause, and you probably picture a woman with wrinkles and graying hair perhaps, on the verge of retirement. The truth cannot be further from that image.
In reality, the symptoms of menopause begin at ages 40 to 45. This is when women are earning attractive wages, and successfully balancing work and family. Check out this feature on Monster that explains how 50 is the age when female professionals finally create the ideal integration of experience and a keen understanding of future developments in the particular field where they work.
Women have dynamic roles; they’re successful, independent, and raring to go. The modern age woman has gorgeous, glowing skin; she’s fit, exercises regularly, and looks fantastic. At this time, having to deal with the symptoms of menopause is just what she doesn’t need.
If you think this description is exactly what you’re all about, know that waning hormones don’t have to take over your life. It is possible to successfully manage the symptoms and take back control. You still have a couple of decades ahead of you when there’s a lot more to achieve and new heights to conquer.
Here’s what you can do:
1. Continue to Revel in Your Womanhood
One of the critical causes of menopause is the lowered levels of the estrogen and progesterone hormones. With less of estrogen in the body, you may start to sense laxity in the tissues of your most intimate areas. Like the expert consultants at the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center explain, you may also feel less of lubrication and the thinning of the walls of the vagina. As a result, the irritation, chafing, pain, and dryness may interfere with the closeness you share with your partner.
Reverse these symptoms of menopause with non-invasive rejuvenation treatments that restore the collagen and elastin in the tissues. Using radiofrequency waves emitted from a wand, doctors can stimulate the repair of laxity and lack of lubrication. With no downtime or risk of side effects, you can get back to work right away, and regain the intimate moments that define your relationship.
2. Rebuild Stamina and Keep Away Fatigue
Estrogen plays an important in maintaining the strength in your bones and muscles. When the levels of this hormone drop, you could sense a weakening of your bones, muscle mass, and stamina levels. That’s because estrogen helps bones absorb calcium and other minerals to prevent osteoporosis. Estrogen also assists in the processing of growth factors, and in the delivery of amino acids to your muscles for rebuilding.
During the time in your career when you need your body in top working order, fatigue can be detrimental to your efforts in the workplace. A good solution is to make up for the depleted levels with the help of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. This treatment restores the balance of estrogen and progesterone with plant-based supplements. In this way, you can reverse these symptoms of menopause.
3. Regain Concentration Levels and Prevent Brain Fogginess
Lowered estrogen levels have the effect of weakening your cognitive abilities, memory, and development of neurons in the brain. And, that’s a fact proven by research conducted at the National Center for Biotechnology Information. You may also find that you’re becoming increasingly forgetful making you a lot less confident in the boardroom. Chances are that as a senior executive, you’re often called in as an expert consultant to offer advice during key corporate meetings and conferences. And, you don’t need the difficulty in concentrating just then.
Retain your mental faculties, and continue to rule the boardroom by reversing yet another of the main symptoms of menopause. Supplement your diet with natural sources of plant estrogen. Some of the best options include all kinds of soy products, legumes like pinto beans, peas, and lentils, nuts, and seeds. Cook meals in olive oil, and eats lots of fruits and vegetables.
4. Lower the Progression of the Signs of Aging, and Prevent Hair Thinning and Loss
Adequate estrogen maintains collagen and elastin in your body’s tissues. As long as this layer under the skin is normal, you’ll continue to have young-looking ageless skin. But, the reduced levels of the hormones can weaken this layer and lead to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles – yet another of the symptoms of menopause. You may also notice that your hair seems thinner than usual or that hair does not seem to grow back after the normal hair loss of 50 to 100 strands a day.
In a time and age when first impressions and looking good can make a difference in how people perceive your talents, you need to maintain that smooth appearance and shining hair. While there are lots of injectables out there, consider opting for non-invasive techniques that won’t cause long-term damage. As this article on WebMD advises, keep your skin clean and hydrated with organic creams that contain plant-based ingredients. Protect your skin from sun damage with adequate SPF, and change your diet to include more of antioxidants that keep your skin and hair healthy from within.
5. Understand Your Metabolism
As the folks on HealthLine tell you, one of the worst symptoms of menopause is weight gain. As you age, your body’s metabolism slows down and no longer burns calories as efficiently as before. As a result, you may notice that the pounds seem to creep on even though you’re following the same diet and exercise regimen as in the last couple of decades. Recognize these changes in your body, and adapt your lifestyle habits to dealing with them. Choose more fruits and vegetables, and cut back on the intake of unnecessary salt, sugar, and fats. Simplifying your diet will give you added the advantage of avoiding related health issues like hypertension and diabetes that typically appear around this age.
With more of the fair sex stepping into the corporate world, and careers extending beyond the ages of 40 and 50, menopause and its effects can no longer get in the way. Manage the effects and symptoms, and you can continue to have it all – an amazing career AND a great body and skin.
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