There are some people in your life who just have that ability to inspire you and for me that person was Andrew Curran Wesleyan university professor. Both he and I came from the same area in New Haven, Hartford and we both had a greta passion for the law. During the 4 years that I was with Andrew Curran Wesleyan was the only university where I wanted to study and I knew that he was the best professor for me. There was occasionally a complaint or two because of his odd tactics but they always worked for me and here is why I think he was so inspirational.
Time is a valuable commodity for many people, especially for university professors and many of them will not give you the time of day outside of the lecture hall. With Mr. Curran however this was not the case and he was always available to have a one-to-one, a phone call or a chat over instant messaging, in fact even today I still feel comfortable sending an email to ask for his advice. This is a rare characteristic in a university professor.
Mad Cap Motivation
Another aspect of Mr. Curran’s character which I was greatly inspired by was his ability to read the character of a person and then use that to be able to motivate them to reach higher. We all need that someone to give us motivation and for some that means a kick up the butt, others may need a cuddle and gentle encouragement and some simply need to be challenged. For Andrew Curran Wesleyan students were about more than just names on a page, they were people who he felt that he had to get the very best out of and that is exactly what he did.
Our lessons were never boring, they were ever mundane lectures where we spent the entire session with our heads in a book, they were almost always creative and that very much helped me to become a better student. I can remember once reenacting a lawsuit and he charged me with being the judge. After a number of outbursts from him, acting as lawyer, I decided to hold him in contempt of court and kicked him out, he didn’t come back for the rest of the class and we all just sat there for a minute, before finishing up the court proceedings and heading out. During our next class he asked us who had won the case and I replied that it went against him, this he told us, was exactly why you should always respect the judge in a court of law. I never forgot that lesson and for me that was an example to us all, if you get shouted down in court then show no retaliation and no fury, simply abide by the rules.
Did you have a professor who inspired you? Let us know about them in the comments section below.
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