Review marketing is becoming one of the best forms of marketing in the world today. Everybody knows that when they watch an advert for a company, no advert will ever tell you that a company is bad or a company would not deliver on time. Furthermore, no advert will ever tell you that the company will deliver you a wrong product or their customer care would not attend to you. So we all know that adverts will only tell us what they think would make us patronize the company when we hear it. This is as opposed to review marketing where people know that in this case, they are not hearing from the company but they are hearing from people that the company has either satisfactorily or non-satisfactorily served and reporting along that line. The implication is that they trust reviews much more than they would ever trust what a staff of the company is going to tell them. Review marketing goes beyond just having people post comments about their experiences under your company and people will come and read the nice things they have written and patronized you. There is a lot more to review marketing as would be discussed subsequently.
Satisfy your customers
The first and most important thing that you should do if you want to run successful review marketing is to satisfy your customers. There can never be successful in review marketing with unsatisfied customers. Thus, it is important that when you are doing your other forms of advert, you should clearly state what you offer and how you offer them without giving customers false hopes. Giving customer false hopes would only lead to unsatisfactory services on your part. With unsatisfactory services, they would be forced to say a lot of wrong things about you. Most people do not need to be reminded before they would go out to find every reviews platform where your company name is listed and talk about their bad experience. They do not need to be doing this because they want to protect other shoppers who they might not care about, they would be doing it to hurt your company and for vengeance. You don’t want to push any of your customers to this point.
Find reputable companies and put your company name
The next thing you should do is look for reputable review companies and check if you are listed on the platform. If you are not, check if they allow company owners to register independently. If they do, then you can proceed to register your company name and provide the needed information. If they don’t allow company owners to register, you can contact the admin of the platform to include your company name on the platform. Customers who patronize you would be able to leave their reviews and complaints on such platform.
Encourage satisfied customers to drop reviews for you
You can put the link to the review platforms that you have registered on your website. This way, those who have patronized you can drop a review for you using the link while those who are yet to patronize you but get to your website first can go and read the reviews and then decide to patronize you. After patronizing you, they would probably also drop reviews for you. Thus, if you are doing the first assignment of satisfying your customers properly, you would be getting a lot of positive reviews that would make your review marketing a huge success.
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