Whether you’re heading to college soon or have been studying for your degree for some time, academic writing is a skill that all students need in order to succeed. The good news is that academic writing is something that anybody can get good at, once they have mastered the basics of essay writing. And, today’s modern software and AI means that it’s easier than ever to put together the perfect academic essay with the help of technology. Along with using AI to automate referencing, check grammar and research your supporting evidence, here are some further top tips to keep in mind when writing an academic essay, thanks to the huge experience of Javier Burillo.
Tip #1. Study Some Examples:
If you’re just getting to grips with the world of academic essay writing and aren’t sure what a good essay should look like, it’s a good idea to study some examples. This gives you the option of seeing exactly what a well-written essay reads like and provides you with a framework to work with for any future papers that you write. You might be thinking, ‘who can write an essay for me’? The good news is that there are several services available online that you can use to have a custom essay written for you. Once you’ve ordered your essay, which will be written by a professional, teacher or student, you can use that as your example. The best part is that you can order an essay written on any subject that you like. So, if you need some inspiration for an upcoming assignment, it’s a great idea.
Tip #2. Make an Outline:
When writing an academic essay, one of the worst mistakes that you can make is jumping straight into it, particularly if the essay is going to be lengthy. Instead, get started by writing an outline, which will help you stay on track and determine what you’re going to write and in which order. Your essay should include this basic structure: an introduction that includes your thesis, the body of the essay, which is made up of separate paragraphs discussing any evidence that supports your thesis, and a conclusion which will tie and connect everything together. Bullet points are a great way to create an outline for your essay, then you can expand on them while writing.
Tip #3. Boost Your Grammar Skills:
Writing style, grammar and punctuation are extremely important if you want your essay to look professional and be taken seriously. Before you begin writing, it’s a wise idea to do some revision on basic grammar. Have a quick re-cap of the things that you probably learned about in high school, such as proper use of articles and pronouns, verb and subject agreement, and well-formed sentence structure. To make it easier, you can also use AI tools such as Grammarly for writing; this will help you pick up on any grammar and spelling mistakes as you make them and make it easier for you to proof-read your essay later on. It can also help to get somebody else to proof-read your essay, as it’s always easier for somebody to notice another’s mistakes compared to their own.
Tip #4. Understand the Argument:
Having a main argument in mind at all times is crucial when you are writing an academic essay. Although it can be tempting to go off on a tangent and talk about interesting side notes, you should always make sure that you are coming back and tying into your main thesis and topic. Whenever you use any evidence in your essay, you should always ask yourself, ‘does this evidence support my main thesis?’. If the answer is no, then you should consider excluding the evidence completely. Bear in mind that talking about too many side topics or using evidence that does not directly support your argument can make your essay look less concise.
Tip #5. Know How to Write a Proper Conclusion:
Last but not least, the conclusion is often the most overlooked part of writing an essay. You should avoid simply restating your introduction, or copy-and-pasting your thesis itself. Instead, quickly outline any key evidence that you have discussed and directly tie it to your thesis to show how it proves or disproves your main topic.
Do you have any academic essay writing tips to share? We’d love to hear from you!
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