There are several styles of Yoga and one of the most common styles is that of Bikram Yoga. Bikram Yoga was created by Bikram Choudary in the early 1970’s and it became a really common style of Yoga that spread all over the world. Bikram Yoga is a system of hot yoga and classes consist of a fixed sequence of 26 postures, practiced in a room heated to 105 °F (41 °C) with a humidity of 40%, intended to replicate the climate of India. The practice of Bikram Yoga, or Hot Yoga, involves repeating the same 26 poses in set cycles over a 90-minute class. The poses were chosen by Choudhury from classic hatha poses and are designed to systematically move fresh, oxygenated blood to 100 percent of your body, to each organ and fiber. The poses, which include triangle pose, tree pose, eagle pose and cobra pose, among other common hatha yoga poses, should be done in a specific, unchanging order, in order to achieve the desired benefits. This traditional Bikram pose series does not include inversion poses, such as headstands, typically found in yoga classes because it is difficult for beginners to do them safely.
Each different yoga pose of the 26 postures were all created by Bikram to help with different areas of the body. It was designed to help benefit the human body through movement. Bikram Yoga helps to flush out the toxins in your body, it strengthens and tones your body, making it more flexible and it also helps to improve your immunity. Bikram Yoga can help to heal old injuries and prevents future injury, it helps you lose weight effectively and you can develop better breathing and increase your joint mobility. Joining in with Hot Yoga, Bikram Yoga, means that you can increase your focus and determination and it makes you sleep well which then enhances being happy and energetic. Bikram Yoga keeps your body young and glowing as well as improving the coordination between your mind and body. These are just a few of the benefits that can be brought about physically and mentally by being involved in Bikram Yoga.
Bikram or hot yoga is now very popular in America and the Western world. The fact that it is so popular is testament to the results that come from taking part. The fact that people are quick to become involved clearly shows that people are seeing promising and lasting results from their exercise. If you are looking at getting involved in a particular style of exercise to help balance your mind and body then I think it is pretty obvious that Bikram Yoga or Hot Yoga is an ideal exercise for you. To receive those benefits from poses and postures seems almost too good to be true but to be able to enjoy the benefits you first have to take that step and join in with a Bikram Yoga, Hot Yoga, class and see if you can feel those results for yourself.
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