It may not seem immediately obvious that marketing and entertainment are related, but in reality, they’re far more involved with each other than you may have realised. The entertainment industry is often perceived as a flashy industry full of glitz and glam, and that’s exactly why marketing and entertainment are so closely linked.
The glamourous side of entertainment – we’re talking about Hollywood – is all about promotion. Whether it’s self-promotion or promoting a company or idea, the entertainment industry is actually centred on the idea of marketing. It may not be the traditional type of marketing you’d expect, but it’s marketing, nonetheless.
Self-Promotion in the Entertainment Industry
In reality, everybody engages in a form of self-promotion. It may sound narcissistic, but it’s a totally normal part of life. We promote ourselves to our employers, to friends and family and even to potential partners. It’s about the way you dress and the things that you put forward about yourself.
Indeed, self-promotion is actually an incredibly powerful tool, because it allows us to promote and advertise, if you will, the parts of ourselves that we want other people to see. Naturally, we tend to select the things that we think are most desirable, but that’s just a normal human quality.
When it comes to people who work in entertainment, whether it’s actors, musicians or anybody else in the business, self-promotion is taken to a whole new level. Not only are they promoting themselves in the ordinary way that we all do, but they’re also given a far bigger platform to do it – on television, in magazines and these days, on social media.
Self-promotion also extends to other forms of promotion of oneself. Famous stars have managers whose job it is to constantly advertise their client and promote them and what they stand for. Essentially, they become their own brand. So when it comes down to the nitty gritty, the promotion of people, whether it’s self-promotion or if it’s done by somebody else, is a form of marketing.
Using Individuals to Promote and Market Brands, Businesses and Ideas
Conversely, individuals are used to promote brands, businesses and ideas in the entertainment industry. For instance, if a popular celebrity is known to use a specific skincare brand, consumers are very likely to follow in their footsteps because it’s seen as an endorsement. If it’s good enough for Angelina Jolie, it’s good enough for me. Or if a celeb likes to play at a specific online casino South Africa, others will want to too.
These days, especially with the increasing popularity of social media, celebrities are frequently used as tools in marketing campaigns, being paid to endorse and promote specific brands and products. Indeed, this has become such a valuable marketing tool that celebrities and public figures are used as “ambassadors” for brands. That means that they’re promoting a brand simply by associating their name with it.
Marketing and Entertainment are Intrinsically Linked
The strong relationship between marketing and the entertainment industry is very clear – they influence each other reciprocally. If you know how to play the game, this relationship can become a massive asset to your advertising campaigns.
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